MAQAO is developped jointly by University of Versailles St Quentin (where it originated) and Exascale Computing Research Lab.
MAQAO has been used and supported through a number of research contracts and collaborations.
In projects supported by the French pole of competitiveness System@tic:
- FAME2 (2006-2008) A new generation of servers for high performance computing and data centers.
- POPS (2007-2009) PetaOperations par secondes
- OPSIM (2008-2010) Optimisation de simulations pour la conception
In projects supported by the French NSF (ANR):
- PARA (2007-2009): Parallélisme et Amélioration du Rendement des Applications. See the poster for a summary of the contributions of the project.
- ProHMPT (2009-2011): Programming Heterogeneous MultiProcessor Technologies
In project supported by ITEA-2 European funding:
- ParMA: (2007-2010) Parallel Programming for the Multi-core Architectures
- H4H: (2010-2014) Hybrid for Heterogeneous
- COLOC (2014-2017) The COncurrency and LOcality Challenge